I'm still thinking about the interplay of the three pieces, which means we must have succeeded in opening a door to something vast. :-)

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I keep reading them again and again. How did you decide the order?

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Me too! :-) Before we did our writing, I had an initial idea that Sal might get either the first place with a segué from the introduction or possibly the first and last word, like a frame, but I knew I needed to keep an open mind. With her last line circling back on the first, I thought that would make a terrific finale. When I read your very funny and mind-expanding piece and my ruminative one, it felt like your 15 stanzas were one answer to the question of my poem, and Sal's story was another. But I come back and play with what different sequences would mean.

I wonder if next time we should post with different sequences in each post, so each of our versions produces a different effect?

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A cool idea!

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Oooo! I love it

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I'm impressed that you figured out how to add multiple authors. That is definitely the way to go. Can you help me find the starting point for that in Settings?

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It’s easy! I’ll send a screenshot!

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I loved all of these and I'm so excited to have found yet more creative responses to works of art. Cornell's boxes have never really moved me so it was wonderful to be taken along on other people's journeys and associations. Giving three different takes on the same work was a brilliant idea: it makes the whole thing open and provisional and that's just what we need: to make a free space for everyone to participate from their own angle/experience/feelings. More please!

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Thank you, Kathy. Glad you enjoyed the free play!

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Thank you! New experiments are in the works!

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I loved this! Thinking about the vastness of the imagination and what an image can conjure for so many people. Thank you!

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I’m thinking all the time these days about multiple ways of seeing.

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Thank you, Dianna! It was a wonderful exercise for the imagination.

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This was wonderful!

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Thank you! It was inspiring to collaborate!

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Thanks, Jason

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Glad you enjoyed it. :-)

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Brilliant! What an elegant and enjoyable experiment. Do more!

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Join us for the next one!

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Sounds wonderful!

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