Delighted to be introduced to Elytis...

Tangentially, I find myself wondering what he must have had to do, how much effort he had to exert, in his time, in order to surround himself with poetry. Today we can surround ourselves with so much poetry, so frequently, and with such incredible ease, I worry that I fool myself, even train myself, into losing sight of its worth... Well, I suppose one can train in either direction.

Thank you so much for bringing Elytis to me this morning.

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Thoughtful exercises!

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Wonderful post! Love the Emily Noyes Vanderpoel works - gonna be digging through them! :-)

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Thank you! The whole book those illustrations are from is in the public domain and on the internet archive. I love them as images, but the analysis she was doing is also fascinating.

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A pleasure :-) Already went and found it haha. Yeah, the whole book looks fascinating. Will be giving it a good read and look!

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