I love your piece and yes, I have fallen into these universes often. Way back I stopped reading Italo Calvino because I did not want my writing to be meshed with his... it was and still is!

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My own feeling is to just give it to all of those impulses and see what happens when they are channeled through you!

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Yes, thank you and i also like your advice - "do not fear obsession..."!

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hey sal, thrilled to read this. lisa robertson is amazing! the thing that occurs to me immediately in the category of "feeling like you did it yourself" is the way sports fans identify so closely with their team that they say things like "we did it!" or "we won!" on sunday berlin will be hosting the final of the european soccer championships, and there will be huge numbers of people engaging in acts of rapt attention, experiencing every kick, every tackle, every foul, and every goal as if they were executing it themselves! (some would object that a soccer match isn't art, but others would disagree ...)

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So true!! There was a world cup a few years back that happened to be in my time zone and I spent time watching in cafes and bars or just standing in the street because it was on everywhere. I loved falling in love with it all.

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