
Coming Soon: More Oracular Writing!

Oracular Writing

A Generative Writing Workshop
with Kathe Izzo and Sal Randolph

March 16, 3-5 pm.

Find new space in your writing and devotional practice during this two-hour workshop with poet-friends Kathe Izzo and Sal Randolph. We will use oracular techniques and forms of writerly divination to invoke our muses and invite the playful trance of the literary subconscious. We will write together under the auspices of generosity, pleasure and spontaneity. No preparation or previous experience is needed.

About Us

Kathe Izzo and Sal Randolph have been poet-friends and frequent collaborators since encountering each other in Provincetown in the ’90s. Their collective projects have included readings, exhibitions, performances, and workshops.

Kathe Izzo/The Love Artist is a conceptual artist & poet working in many mediums from social engagement to long form meme poetry & more, with her specialty being the intuitive space of the noosphere, the meta landscape where we all dream together. Of all the anthologies & journals she has been included in, her favorite is THE OUTLAW BIBLE OF AMERICAN POETRY (Thunder’s Mouth Press). Kathe’s substack: My Braniac Amor.

Sal Randolph is an artist and writer who lives in New York and works between language and action. She is the author of The Uses of Art, a memoir of transformative encounters with works of art, described by Michael Cunningham as “dazzlingly original, ferociously intelligent.” Her poems have been featured in BOMB, jubilat, Sound American, and elsewhere; her performance and social art works have appeared internationally at museums and in exhibitions including the Glasgow International, Ljubljana Biennial, Manifesta 4, and the São Paulo Biennial. She has taught at Princeton and Bennington College. Sal’s substack: The Uses of Art.

Oracular Writing
with Kathe Izzo and Sal Randolph
March 16, 3-5 pm ET

A recording will be made available following the workshop.


($45 for paid subscribers - a discounted registration link will be mailed to you)

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